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Social Listening

Plot AI Video Social Listening is a new way to transform video conversations into powerful insights. Find voice mentions, uncover trends, and connect with your community.

Plot's AI Video Social Listening is a multi-sensory platform that provides a 360 view of discussions around any topic. Gather deep insights by analyzing transcriptions, objects, captions, and comments within videos.

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Start with a prompt to find brand mentions or competitor insights—anything really.
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Track voice mentions of your brand, product or topic. No tagging required.
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See your product in action with AI object detection.
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AI generated video summaries, reasoning, and highlights.
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Gain deeper insights into brands, topics, and creators. Discover why users love (or don't love) your product.
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Use AI-generated responses to quickly connect with your community.
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Track millions of relevant video conversations, engage with your community, and unlock powerful insights.